issa audio server


recipe(text) > protocol(server) > music(audio)


Eric B and Rakim said not to sweat the technique so we are just going to doc-u-ment it instead

hypothesis is that recipes are non-deterministic algorithms and music is a universal language

universal language used to communicate feeling or a "vibe"...where each persons interpretation or understanding is different but the language used to describe the "vibe" is the's a way to formalize taste or "culture"

non-deterministic meaning the output depends on the process, even if the inputs are the same, each runs result is different

the protocol brings these two ideas together to document the evolution of a recipe over time using a generative algorithmic algorhythm which captures moments

going to be building this using supercollider example of how this would work below

more to come in Vol 1 Issue 2

created by BUSHSK8R