how this website was made

this site current is only html, css and javascript hosted on github, you can see/copy/make fun of the code here

hosting the website files

used this guide to get started

  1. create github account
  2. make new repository(repo) with github username as the repo name
  3. add an index.html file to the repo
  4. test the page using 'reponamefromstep2'

setup a custom domain to go to your repo

used this guide

  1. buy a custom domain or use one you already own (there are a bunch of sites which you can use to get one, I used namecheap, if you are here you probably know how to use google to find the best one for you, if not HERE)
  2. in the domain setup on the site hosting your domain, set it to point at github servers, used this guide for namecheap
  3. in your repo settings under pages, set the custom domain

created by BUSHSK8R

bakery in the clouds