Baked Chronicles: Volume 1, Issue 3 (croissant)

the holy grail of baking



  1. mix yeast, water
  2. add sugar and salt, let sit for 10 mins, [texture: frothy]
  3. stir in butter [1/2 cup]
  4. add flour [dough to form]
  5. knead dough on floured surface [texture: smooth and elastic]
  6. cover and let rise for 1 hr or until double in size
  7. roll into large rectangle about 1/4 inch thick
  8. spread room temp butter evenly over, leave 1 inch thick border
  9. fold in thirds[letter fold], then roll out into rectangle, repeat 2x
  10. store in fridge for min 2 hrs or overnight
  11. oven @425F
  12. roll into rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick, cut into triangles, then roll up triangle from wide end
  13. place on parchment paper on baking sheet, then egg wash
  14. bake for 15-20 mins or till golden brown
slice of banana bread on a wooden cutting board

curated by BUSHSK8R